A downloadable game for Android

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Ludum Dare Page

- What is this? -

It's a local multiplayer mobile game for three players (though you can still play solo). Each player places a finger on the screen and a triangle appears using touch coordinates as vertices.

Hit the moving arrows with the edges that match the color. If you touch them with a different edge (or let it reach the middle) you lose.

- How do I get this game? -

You need to download the .apk file, send/transfer it to your Android phone and install it. You can also just enter this website with your phone and hit download (you need to enable external APKs on settings for this).

A web version of the game could have been cool but many browsers don't support multi-touch.

"Why isn't it on Google Play?" I made it for #LDJAM. I might end up uploading it to Google Play but for now I'll stick only to itch.

- A Small World -

"I thought the theme was "A Small World", how the hell is this even related?"

My mind made this connection: (A Small World) -> (Not much people) -> (Kind of like a village) -> (Everybody knows each other) -> (Everybody is connected)

I thought about adding some visual assets which reinforced that narrative, but the small screen (covered by three fingers) and my horrible art skills wouldn't let me.

- About the development -

During the weekend I had to travel, give a talk and take care of some random tasks, but one doesn't just miss Ludum Dare. I made this game mostly on the train and after the talk I had plenty of volunteers around to try out the prototype.

Fun fact, during most of the jam my mobile wasn't available and I didn't think about how I would playtest a multi-touch game using a trackpad, what a nightmare, never do that!

The game looks pretty stable (but you can go on, break it and crush my dreams). There's a small bug and sometimes one of the lines will disappear if you don't remove your fingers during transitions.

There's some input lag and it could be way better balanced, but I hope it servers to test the idea.

- Last thoughts -

Inspired by Twister, Game Oven's AMAZING games and all the fun I had at "Now Play This".

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
TagsAbstract, Local multiplayer, Ludum Dare 38, mobile, Touch-Friendly
Average sessionA few seconds
MultiplayerLocal multiplayer
Player count1 - 3
LinksLudum Dare


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Freads.apk 44 MB
freads_source.capx 1.3 MB

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