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of course back scratching sim is on

I may not have played this game yet, but what am I supposed to do?

It's a coop game for two people playing using the same computer. One person looks at the screen and is given instructions (but can't use the keyboard). The other person is able to press keys but doesn't know what's going on. The first player will direct the second saying things like "a little bit to the left", which is supposed to mimic what happens when somebody is scratching your back.


Your game is amazing. I love the minimalist aesthetics that you developed both for Tie Sim and Back Scratching sim. I'm hoping for a bundle of games making a weird use of a keyboard in the coming years <3 A recap video of the jam entries is available on 


OMG THE IDEA IS SO CUTE I can't wait to play it with my gf

love only


Very serious! Love it


Super cool 👏


im the best at this game